Joint Appointment Module (JAM) - Web Based Training

Activating a JAM role in Inactive/Archived Status

The document includes the steps for JAM Role Activation for the following scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: Archived or Inactive status, and the User has active appointment in JAM. 
  • Scenario 2: Inactive status and the User does not have active appointment in JAM.
  • Scenario 3: Archived status and User does not have active appointment in JAM.

 Archived/Inactive Role Activation Process (PDF)

 3OP006 - Reactivating Inactive and Archived PIEE Accounts Roles (PDF)

GPC Termination

Any role with the authority to approve an appointment also has the authority to terminate an appointment. To terminate an appointment, the user will need to search for the active appointment. After opening the appointment, the user will be able to terminate.

GPC HAMs can terminate X X X X X X
O/AOPC can terminate X X X
AOPCs can terminate X X
DD577AAs can terminate the following appointments within their span of control X
GPC DAAs can terminate X X X X X X

 Purchase Card Termination (PDF)

Email Notifications

The process to resend an email notification is different for users without access to JAM than users with access to JAM.

Users that do not have access to JAM:

  1. Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (
  2. Click the 'My Account' option at the top of the screen
  3. Click the 'Manage Roles' button.
  4. Click the 'Send Reminder to Supervisor/Sponsor' button.
  5. A Success message displays with the message: "An email reminder was successfully sent."

Users with access to JAM:

  1. Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (
  2. Open the Joint Appointment Module (JAM) by clicking the 'JAM' icon.
  3. Search for the appointment that needs to resend the email notification.
  4. Open the appointment and click the 'Resend the email notification' button
  5. A Success message displays with the message: "An email reminder was successfully sent."

 GPC-JAM Email Notifications (PDF)

The Nominator (A/OPC, OA/OPC or DD577 AA) and anyone in the span of control of the both the Nominator and the Nominee can edit the Nomination. The users with these roles will also have the capability to View the Training of Nominees. For this guide the Nominator will have the role of A/OPC, but both OA/OPC and DD577 AA have the same capabilities. The exceptions are as follows:

  • A/OPCs have the ability to delete unused nominations within their DoDAAC.
  • O/AOPCs have the ability to delete unused nominations within their span of Control.
  • DD577 AAs have the ability to delete unused nominations they created.

 A/OPC-OA/OPC-DD577 AA Edit or Delete Nomination and View Training (PDF)

General Overview: Workflow visualization is provided for all GPC-JAM related Nomination/Appointment workflows. The visualization reflects each step of the workflow and the user that is to complete the step. The visualization provides a textual description of the status and the next action to be completed. The following scenario is an O/AOPC searching appointment.

 Workflow visualization Guide (PDF)