Electronic Data Access (EDA) - Web Based Training

EDA - EAF Administrator Training

Demo Name Demo Doc Last Updated Notes
Enterprise Award File System Overview This presentation will demonstrate the process of the Enterprise Award File (EAF) system within EDA. This tool is intended to host documents and their related data for both assistance (e.g., grants) and procurement electronic award files. Log into PIEE as a EAF Administrator to begin. video. This presentation will demonstrate the process of the Enterprise Award File (EAF) system within EDA. This tool is intended to host documents and their related data for both assistance (e.g., grants) and procurement electronic award files. Log into PIEE as a EAF Administrator to begin. document. May 2023 This presentation will demonstrate the process of the Enterprise Award File (EAF) system within EDA. This tool is intended to host documents and their related data for both assistance (e.g., grants) and procurement electronic award files. Log into PIEE as a EAF Administrator to begin.

How to Mark a Document as Reviewed

EAF Administrators may Review an EAF Document.

Roles with Review Functionality of Enterprise Award Files in the Electronic Data Access (EDA) application:

  • EAF Administrator

Reviewing an Enterprise Award File (EAF) Document Process:

  1. Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
  2. Open the Electronic Data Access (EDA) by clicking the ‘EDA’ Icon.
  3. Select Search under the Enterprise Award File navigation section.
  4. Enter the search criterion and click the Search button.
  5. Optional Step: Toggle the Base Award with all Orders option above the search results to enable the Award Number hyperlink to view the entire EAF.
  6. Find the Award and click the Award Number hyperlink to open the file.
  7. Locate the desired section with the EAF Document and expand the subsection.
  8. Locate the desired EAF document and Review.
  9. The document can be marked as “Reviewed” in two ways:
    1. Located at the end of the file row, beneath the Actions column, locate the Edit/View Icon. Select the icon to populate the “Edit Document” or “Edit Notes” modal that allows the user to enter notes within the “Document Details” section. Beneath the notes section, select the “Reviewed?” button, once the review process is complete.
      1. Once the “Reviewed?” button is selected and saved, a success message stating, “The Document has been successfully updated” appears.
    2. Check the Reviewed box on the right end of the file row to begin the Review process.
      1. Once the box is checked, the document is now classified as Reviewed, but no success message displays.
  10. The document can be Unreviewed in two ways:
    1. Locate the Edit/View Icon at the end of the row and select it to re-populate the modal. From there, deselect the “Reviewed?” box. Once saved, a success message appears and says, “The Document has been successfully updated”.
    2. Uncheck the Reviewed box on the right end of the file row to “Unreview” the document.
      1. Once unchecked a popup titled “Reviewed Status Change” appears and asks, “Are you sure you want to unselect this checkbox”. To complete the “Unreview” process, select “Yes”.

How to Add/Upload Documents to an EAF

EAF allows users to manually add documents to various sections of an Enterprise Award File.

Roles with access to Add Document(s) to an Enterprise Award File in the Electronic Data Access (EDA) application:

  • EAF Administrator

Sections with Add Document(s) functionality:

  • III.E.1 - General Documentation
  • III.E.2.2B - Other Financial and Voucher Related Documents
  • III.E.3.3A - GFP Documentation
  • IV.H - Final Deliverables and Documentation
  • IV.I.2 - Other Closeout Forms and Documentation

Search for an EAF and click the Award Number hyperlink. Review Search training training for additional Information.

EAF Add Document Process

  1. Click the Add Document(s) button above the table in the section.
  2. The Add Document popup displays, click the Add button and browse the local machine for the file. NOTE: If initially the wrong document is attached, click the Add button again and select the correct document. The newly selected document will replace the previously selected one.
  3. Select a Document Type option from the dropdown.
  4. Notes are an optional field.
  5. Click the Save button if there are no other files that need added to the section or click the Save and Add Another button to save the file and begin adding another for the sections.
  6. A success message displays indicating a new document was added to the section.

NOTE: Manually Added Documents may be deleted from each section if they are added in error. For more information refer to the Delete Training.

How to Edit Manually Uploaded Document Information in EAF

EAF Administrators may edit information associated with manually uploaded documents in EAF for documents within the user’s span of control matching the document’s Admin Office DoDAAC.

  1. Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
  2. Open the Electronic Data Access (EDA) application by clicking the ‘EDA’ Icon.
  3. Select Search under the Enterprise Award File navigation section.
  4. Enter the search criterion and click the Search button.
  5. Optional Step: Toggle the Base Award with all Orders options above the search results to enable the Award Number hyperlink to view the entire EAF.
  6. Find the Award and click the Award Number hyperlink to open the file.
  7. Locate the section with the document and expand subsection; refer to the Document Type List training available on the EDA > EAF WBT under EAF General Functions link for more details.
  8. Click the Edit/View button in the Actions column to display the Edit Document pop-up. In this section users may edit:
  9. Click the Save button to finalize all edits.
  10. A success message appears: “The Document has been successfully updated.”

How to Delete/Mark for Deletion in Enterprise Award File (EAF)

EAF Administrators may delete manually uploaded documents from sections in an EAF.

Roles with Delete functionality:

  • EAF Administrator (Registered Level 2 or 3)

Roles with Mark for Deletion functionality:

  • EAF Administrator (Registered Level 4 or below)

NOTE: Depending on the user’s registered group or the user’s ‘Issue Office’ or ‘Admin Office’ DoDAAC, the instructional text will indicate if the user may Delete or Mark for Deletion the selected manually uploaded document.

Delete Manually Uploaded Documents on an EAF

  1. Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
  2. Open the Electronic Data Access (EDA) by clicking the ‘EDA’ Icon.
  3. Select Search under the Enterprise Award File navigation section.
  4. Enter search criterion and click the Search button.
  5. Optional Step: Toggle the Base Award with all Orders option above the search results to enable the Award Number hyperlink to view the entire Enterprise Award File.
  6. Find the Award and click the Award Number hyperlink to open the file.
  7. Locate desired section with the manually uploaded document and expand subsection.
  8. Click the Delete/Mark for Deletion button in the Actions column for the row of the document being deleted.
  9. Selecting the Icon will:
    • Display a confirmation dialogue for Level 2 or 3 users. Click the OK button and a confirmation message displays. No further action is needed.
    • Display a mandatory Comments modal for Level 4 and below users. Enter Comments and click the Confirm Marking for Deletion button. An email is sent for the request to be reviewed. The notes column is automatically updated to include a note "[First Name] [Last Name] Marked Document for Deletion on [Date]”.
  10. Any Marked for Deletion requests are sent by email to the EAF Administrators at Level 2 or 3 within the initiator’s hierarchy to review the Marked for Deletion request. The email contains Award information, the document section in EAF, Document ID, and initiator’s comment.

EAF Email Notification Information

EAF sends email notifications when a document is marked for deletion by an EAF Administrator.

The email notification is sent to EAF Administrators (Level 2 or 3) in the span of control of the EAF Administrator (Level 4 or below) when they mark a manually uploaded document for deletion; refer to Span of Control training for EAF for more information.

EAF Sections with Email Notifications:

  • III.E.1 – General Documentation
  • III.E.2.2B – Non-WAWF Vouchers and Supporting Financial Documentation
  • III.E.3.3A – Government Furnished Property (GFP) Post-Award
  • IV.H – Final Deliverables and Documentation
  • IV.I.2 – Other Closeout Forms and Documentation

How CBAR Access affects EAF

The Awardee Name found in the Header Section is a hyperlink for users with access to the Contractor Data Sheet associated with the open Enterprise Award File. The EAF displays Contractor information from the CBAR Contractor Data Sheet to EAF users that are also registered for a CBAR role:

  • CBAR Contracting Officer
  • CBAR View Only

And the CBAR role is registered with a location code that has span of control for the Contractor Data Sheet.

CBAR Access Process through EAF

  1. Click the Awardee Name hyperlink to open the CBAR Contractor Data Sheet and view the information.
  2. A CBAR Acknowledgment displays and requires acceptance before moving forward. Click the Accept button.
  3. An additional CBAR Acknowledgement displays with a CUI warning. Click the Continue button.
  4. A Contractor Data Sheet Disclaimer displays advising to use the Browser Back button to return to EAF; however, if the user leaves the Contractor Data Sheet view, navigate to EAF manually. Click the Yes button.
  5. Click the Browser Back button to return to the open EAF.