Once the search criteria are entered, the system will return a list of Contractor Data with the requested criteria.
All CBAR Contractor Data Sheet Records are viewable to all CBAR user role types. Records are editable or read-only, depending on a user’s role and/or span of control based on their registered DoDAAC(s).
- CBAR ACO: May edit only Contractor Data Sheet Records within the user’s span of control
- CBAR Contracting Officer: May edit only Contractor Data Sheet Records within the user’s span of control
- CBAR View Only: May only view Contractor Data Sheet Records in read-only status
- CBAR PMO: May edit all Contractor Data Sheet Records
1. To sort search results by a specific criterion, select the applicable column heading. Columns may be sorted by ascending or descending order.
2. Select page numbers or arrows to navigate through the search results.
3. To control how many results are displayed on each page, select a value from the records dropdown menu.
4. Select the Create New Contractor Data button to navigate to the Create Contractor Data Sheet page.
5. Select the Save Search button to save the current search criteria to the Saved Searches menu on the EDA Dashboard.
6. Select the Refine Search button to return to the existing Contractor Data Sheet Search criteria.
7. Select the New Search button to perform a new Contractor Data Sheet Search.
Search Results columns
- Contractor Name
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor UEI
- Contractor DoDAAC
- Parent Name
- Parent CAGE
- Parent UEI
- Parent DoDAAC
- Actions