Surveillance and Performance Monitoring (SPM) - Web Based Training

What is SPM?

The focus of the Surveillance and Performance Monitoring (SPM) module is to provide individuals performing contract surveillance a single location to access key contract data to obtain the overall state of a contract. SPM is based on the CORT Tool capabilities and will include the following major solution components:

  • COR Surveillance and Oversight
  • COR Surveillance File
  • Administrative Reports
  • Appointments and Nominations Query
  • Contractor Performance

SPM enhances the user experience in conducting contract surveillance and monitoring within the application. This includes providing improved nomenclature for menus, enhanced document form capabilities, single contract file access and new functionality contractor performance. Additionally, with the COR nomination and appointment capability being moved from the CORT Tool to the Joint Appointment Module (JAM), SPM will be a mechanism to view the status of appointments as established in JAM.

What is in JAM vs SPM



  • 567C from EDA will close the contract file in SPM
  • Data for Admin Reports


  • Performance Data


  • Contract Management Data

Army VCE

Navy Contract Data Warehouse


  • Surveillance and Management of Contracts

  • Track Vendor Performance on service contracts with an appointed COR

  • Digitize and standardize any recurring submission on service contract with the ability to manually upload documents