Refer to the following validations to ensure the XML file conforms to system requirements.
Upload new Document – Successful upload
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I need a new commercial catalog, commercial catalog with price list, or price list XML in EDA
AND seller cage code matches vendor cage code
THEN I can upload the file and send it to GEX for validation
Upload Existing Document- File must be in XML format
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload a file that is not in XML format
THEN I get a message that the "Invalid File Type – Please select an XML file to upload” and the upload does not occur
Upload Existing Document- File may not exceed 1.9GB
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload a file that is not in XML format
THEN I get a message that the "File is too large – Please select an upload file that is 1.9GB or less” and the upload does not occur
Upload Existing Document- Document must be unique
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload a document that already exists
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - Document has already been loaded" and the upload does not occur
Vendor Cage Code Validation – Seller’s CAGE must match Vendor's CAGE
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has a different seller cage than the one associated with the Vendor User
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - Seller Cage Code does not match Vendor Cage Code" and the upload does not occur
Price List loaded prior to Catalog - Represented Price List Associated Catalog must exist
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has a Represented Price List that references a Catalog that has not been uploaded
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - Catalog(s) must exist in the system prior to Price List upload” “Followed by list of Catalogs” and the upload does not occur
Invalid XML Rejections - Update only must not be populated
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document where the update only filed is populated
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – Updates will be supported at later date” and the upload does not occur
Invalid XML Rejections - Represented Catalog/Price list must not be missing
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that does not have a represented Catalog, represented Price List or Represented Catalog with Price list
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - No Represented Catalog, Represented Catalog With Price List, or Represented Price List Identifier was provided in upload file” and the upload does not occur
Invalid XML Rejections – Must not be more than one Represented Catalog/Price
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has more than one of the following represented Catalog, represented Price List or represented Catalog with Price list
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – More than one Represented Catalog, Represented Catalog With Price List, or Represented Price List Identifier was provided in upload file” and the upload does not occur
Invalid XML Rejections - Missing CAGE must be present
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that is missing seller cage
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – No Seller Cage Code was provided in upload file" and the upload does not occur
Invalid XML Rejections - Represented Price List must include Catalog Reference
GIVEN that I am a Vendor User
WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has a Represented Price List that does not have a Catalog that Price List Applies to
THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – Represented Price List must include a Catalog That Price List Applies To Identifier in the uploaded file" and the upload does not occur