Electronic Data Access (EDA) - Load Commercial Catalog/Price List

Load Commercial Catalog/Price List

Reference Guide

User Types

User types with the ability to access the Commercial Catalog search

  • Vendor

Roles with the ability to load Commercial Catalog/Price List in EDA

  • WAWF Vendor
Load Commercial Catalog

Vendor users have the ability to load a Commercial Catalog or Price List in EDA within their CAGE code. Validations of uploaded files may be viewed by searching for the Catalog or Price List in the Commercial Catalog Data Search.

The image provides a preview of the Load Commercial Catalog/Price List Report Date Fields Overview.

  1. Use the Browse button to select a file from the local directory to load the Commercial Catalog or Price List. The maximum file size allowed is 1.9GB. A confirmation will be displayed upon successful upload.
  2. Select the Search Commercial Catalogs button to navigate to the Commercial Catalog Search page.
Commercial Catalog/Price List Validations

Refer to the following validations to ensure the XML file conforms to system requirements.

Upload new Document – Successful upload

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I need a new commercial catalog, commercial catalog with price list, or price list XML in EDA

AND seller cage code matches vendor cage code

THEN I can upload the file and send it to GEX for validation

Upload Existing Document- File must be in XML format

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload a file that is not in XML format

THEN I get a message that the "Invalid File Type – Please select an XML file to upload” and the upload does not occur

Upload Existing Document- File may not exceed 1.9GB

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload a file that is not in XML format

THEN I get a message that the "File is too large – Please select an upload file that is 1.9GB or less” and the upload does not occur

Upload Existing Document- Document must be unique

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload a document that already exists

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - Document has already been loaded" and the upload does not occur

Vendor Cage Code Validation – Seller’s CAGE must match Vendor's CAGE

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has a different seller cage than the one associated with the Vendor User

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - Seller Cage Code does not match Vendor Cage Code" and the upload does not occur

Price List loaded prior to Catalog - Represented Price List Associated Catalog must exist

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has a Represented Price List that references a Catalog that has not been uploaded

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - Catalog(s) must exist in the system prior to Price List upload” “Followed by list of Catalogs” and the upload does not occur

Invalid XML Rejections - Update only must not be populated

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document where the update only filed is populated

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – Updates will be supported at later date” and the upload does not occur

Invalid XML Rejections - Represented Catalog/Price list must not be missing

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that does not have a represented Catalog, represented Price List or Represented Catalog with Price list

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document - No Represented Catalog, Represented Catalog With Price List, or Represented Price List Identifier was provided in upload file” and the upload does not occur

Invalid XML Rejections – Must not be more than one Represented Catalog/Price

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has more than one of the following represented Catalog, represented Price List or represented Catalog with Price list

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – More than one Represented Catalog, Represented Catalog With Price List, or Represented Price List Identifier was provided in upload file” and the upload does not occur

Invalid XML Rejections - Missing CAGE must be present

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that is missing seller cage

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – No Seller Cage Code was provided in upload file" and the upload does not occur

Invalid XML Rejections - Represented Price List must include Catalog Reference

GIVEN that I am a Vendor User

WHEN I attempt to upload an XML document that has a Represented Price List that does not have a Catalog that Price List Applies to

THEN I get a message that the "Unable to upload Document – Represented Price List must include a Catalog That Price List Applies To Identifier in the uploaded file" and the upload does not occur