Contracts Administration Document Folder
Contracts Administration folders store Admin Documents for contracts. Each contract and order has the capability to store Admin Documents in their Contract Administration Folder. Admin Documents in the Contract Admin folder are loaded into EDA via Automated and Manual Uploadn methods. Systematically through an automatic feed, admin documents with index information is sent from the Document Provider/Contract Writing System to EDA. Manually uploaded documents are uploaded to EDA by authorized users with the Upload Attachment/Admin Docs role.
Note: Automated document upload service/interface is available to Services/Agencies, contact the EDA PMO for details
Access to Contract Admin folders is based on the users contract level access. Authorized Government users can view all admin documents. Authorized support contractors can view admin documents based on their assigned DoDAAC(s) and/or specific contract numbers. Vendor users can view any admin documents associated with their authorized D-U-N-S and/or CAGE codes.
EDA offers users with the Upload Attachment/Admin Docs role the capability to Upload/Add, Modify and Delete Contract Admin Documents. Authorized users/attachment owners that upload a Contract Admin document can modify and/or delete the Admin Document that they upload. Remaining users will have view only access to the Admin Document.
Note: Contact your Administrator for role granting assistance if you require the Upload Attachments/Admin Docs role. Refer to the
Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment for detailed EDA user registration and account administration instructions.
To view Contract Admin Documents, query the desired Contract. The Contract Administration folder can be accessed via Contract query results. If contract administration documents exist for the contract, the Admin Docs column returned in the results will have the "View (#)" link displayed. By clicking the "View(#)" link, EDA will display the Contract Administration folder that contains a list of active Contract Admin Documents for the specific contract.
Any document that does not have admin documents will contain a
Blank in the Admin Docs column or an "Add" link if they have the capability to upload Admin Documents to that particular contract.
Click "Add" link to initiate Admin Document Upload.
The following capabilities are available/initiated from the Admin Document screen:
- View Admin Document - click hyper-linked Admin Doc Name
- View Contract - click hyper-linked Contract Number
- Contact Admin Doc owner via email - click hyper-linked "Load By" Name
- Return to Contract Query Results screen - click "Return to Contract List" button
- Add/Upload Admin Document - Initiate by clicking the "Upload" button
- Modify Admin Document - Initiate by clicking pen icon (blue pen)
- Delete Admin Document
- Initiate by clicking delete icon (red "x")
The Admin Document page includes the following:
Admin Document Type Name: Acceptable Admin Document Types assigned to the admin document during upload.
Update: Displays for authorized upload attachments/admin docs users ONLY - role restricted by DoDAAC.
Note: Users without/with the Upload Attachments/Admin Docs role and not the correct DoDAAC have view only capability.
Admin Document Name: Click Admin Document Name to view specific admin document.
Comment: User comment on the admin document.
Source: Admin Document sources include ACO, PCO and AUTO (document was loaded via the automated batch process)
Load Date: Date the attachment was loaded into EDA.
Loaded By: First and last name of the person who uploaded the admin document. Click hyper-linked "Load By" Name to launch e-mail to attachment owner.
Upload File: Clicking Upload button initiates the upload admin document process.