EDA Roles |
Roles with access to the GPC PIEE Nomination Status Report in EDA
- Acquisition Sensitive Reporting
- Advanced Reporting
- EDA Executive Reporting User
Note: There is no access restriction. Users with an EDA Reporting User role (EDA Executive Reporting, EDA Advanced Reporting, or EDA Sensitive Acquisition Reporting) can see all of the data.
Search Criteria |
The user will navigate to the GPC PIEE Nomination Status Report page and enter criteria to retrieve desired data.
- Nominee Role Type
- Nominee Registration Date [Range]
- Home Organization DoDAAC
- Service/Agency (DoD Component)
- PIEE Role Status
- Appointment Status
Search By
Organization Code
Organizational Group
- Nominee Organizational Group
- Include Subgroups
- Create Nomination Date [Range]
Search By
Organization Code
Organizational Group
- Nominator Organizational Group
- Include Subgroups
Search by Organization Group |
To return results for a specific Organizational Group:
- Select the Organizational Group radial
- Click the Find Group button to search for the Organizational Group.
- (Optional) If the ‘Include Subgroups’ field is checked the results returned will include PIEE Level 3-7 subgroups.
Service/Agency (DoD Component) |
To return results for a specific Service/Agency, select a value from the Service/Agency (DoD Component) dropdown menu.*
Sample Search Results |
Once the search criteria are entered, the system will return a list of results with the requested criteria.
Search Results Columns values:
- Service (DoD Component)
- Organization Code
- Nominee First Name
- Nominee Last Name
- Nominee Role Type
- Appointment Workflow Status
- Appointment Workflow Status Date
Exporting Search Results |
When the search results are returned, the Export Results button will allow the user to export search results in CSV format for import to a spreadsheet.
Sample Export:
Export Results Columns values:
- Service (DoD Component)
- PIEE Group Path of Nominee
- Nominee Email Address
- Originator Group path of Nominator
- Originator User Type
- PIEE Role Status
- Organization Level
- Home Org DoDAAC
- Supervisor First Name
- Originator First Name
- Nominee Role Type
- Appointment Workflow Status
- Organization Code
- Nominee First Name
- Supervisor Last Name
- Originator Last Name
- Create Nomination Date
- Nominator Location Code
- Service/Org (DoD Organization Name)
- Nominee Last Name
- Supervisor Email Address
- Originator Email Address
- Nominee Registration Date
*Additional Guide Information |
The list for Service/Agency (DoD Component) includes:
- Air Force, Department of the
- Defense Contract Management Agency
- Defense Heath Agency (DHA)
- Joint Staff
- Army, Department of the
- Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
- Department of the Airforce
- Defense Contract Audit Agency
- Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
- Department of the Army
- Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- Department of the Navy