Warranty Tracking Information Access |
Create a Warranty Tracking Information: COR, CO, and CS
Edit a Warranty Tracking Information: COR, CO and CS
Reviewer Warranty Tracking Information: CO and CS
Warranty Tracking Information Access |
- A COR, CO or CS creates the Warranty Tracking Information.
- This information is saved in SPM with a version number.
- As each edit is made the version number will change.
Steps to Smart Form Access |
Step 1: After selecting COR Surveillance and Oversight from the Menu the following page will display. The user will enter in search criteria and click the Search button. The Search results will be restricted by role, agency and DoDAAC.
Step 2: A list of relevant contracts will be returned.
Step 3: After selecting the Contract Number link, the following page will be displayed.
Each contract will have the following sections of information:
- Contracting Information
- Contractor Information
- Period of Performance for Monitoring
- Contract Place of Performance
- QA Surveillance Plan/Waiver
- COR information
- Supervisor/Commander Information
- COR Certifications
- Supervisor/Commander Certifications
- Contracting Officer Certifications
- Designation Letter
- Termination Letter
- Workflow History
- COR Documents
Smart Form Selection |
To create, edit or view Smart forms, the user will navigate to the COR Documents section. The user will click on Add Smart Forms and select the appropriate Smart form.
Warranty Tracking Information Smart Form |
The required fields are:
- Attachment Number
- Line Item Type
- Line Item Base
- Exhibit Line Item (ELIN)
- Warranty Unique Item ID
- Usage Quantity
- Usage Unit of Measure
- Duration Quantity
- Duration Uni
- Fired Expiration Date
- Administrator Identifier Code Type
- Warranty Administrator Enterprise Identifier
- Warranty Guarantor Enterprise Identifier
- Item Type
- ID Number
- OEM Part number
- Agency Serial Number