Trip Report Access |
Create a Trip Report: COR, CO, CS, QAPOC, ACO, and Manager
Edit a Trip Report: COR, CO, CS, QAPOC, ACO, and Manager
View a Trip Report: COR, CO, CS, QAPOC, ACO, Manager, and DPC Admin
Review a Trip Report: COR, CO, CS, QAPOC, ACO, DPC Admin, and Manager (Cannot be the Creator)
Trip Report Workflow |
- User with a Creator role creates, and a system generated email is sent to the Reviewers.
- User with a Reviewer role approves or rejects the Trip Report. The Reviewer will find the Approve/Reject buttons in the COR Documents section of the contract in SPM. Please see the screenshot below.
A system generated email is sent to the Creator once an approval or rejection is indicated by the Reviewer.
- Approval: Trip Report is filed in SPM.
- Rejection: Trip Report is sent back to the Creator with comments for resubmission until it is approved by the Reviewer.
If the COR Trip Report was rejected the COR can now see the rejected document in their COR Documents list. Click on the Edit button and make the necessary changes.
If there are comments with the rejection, they can be found after clicking View and scrolling to the History section. Click on the View Comments button to see the notes on the rejection.
The COR can click Edit and make any relevant changes and click on Resubmit to send the COR Trip Report through the approval process again.
Steps to Smart Form Access |
Step 1: After selecting COR Surveillance and Oversight from the Menu the following page will display. After entering in search criteria, the user will click the Search button. Search results will be restricted by role, agency and DoDAAC.
Step 2: A list of relevant contracts will be returned.
Step 3: After selecting the Contract Number link, the following page will be displayed. Each contract will have the following sections of information:
- Contracting Information
- Contractor Information
- Period of Performance for Monitoring
- Contract Place of Performance
- QA Surveillance Plan/Waiver
- COR information
- Supervisor/Commander Information
- COR Certifications
- Supervisor/Commander Certifications
- Contracting Officer Certifications
- Designation Letter
- Termination Letter
- Workflow History
- COR Documents
Trip Report Smart Form |
The required fields are: Month, Year, Subject, Purpose, Travelers, Itinererary, Discussions, Conclusion and Signature.