Surveillance and Performance Monitoring (SPM) - Web Based Training

Contract Discrepancy Report

Contract Discrepancy Report Access

Create a Contract Discrepancy Report: COR, QAPOC, ACO

Edit a Contract Discrepancy Report: COR, QAPCO, ACO, CO, and CS

Reviewer: ACO, QAPOC, CO and CS

Contract Discrepancy Report Workflow
  1. Creator submits the Contract Discrepancy Report.
  2. An email is sent to the Reviewers.
  3. The Reviewer reviews and signs.
  4. It is then filed in SPM and an email is sent to all the Reviewers.
Steps to Smart Form Access

Step 1: After selecting COR Surveillance and Oversight from the Menu the following page will display. After entering in search criteria, the user will click the Search button. Search results will be restricted by role, agency and DoDAAC.

The image provides a preview of the Contract Discrepancy Report Overview.

Step 2: A list of relevant contracts will be returned.

The image provides a preview of the Contract Discrepancy Report Overview.

Step 3: After selecting the Contract Number link, the following page will be displayed.

  • Contracting Information
  • Contractor Information
  • Period of Performance for Monitoring
  • Contract Place of Performance
  • QA Surveillance Plan/Waiver
  • COR information
  • Supervisor/Commander Information
  • COR Certifications
  • Supervisor/Commander Certifications
  • Contracting Officer Certifications
  • Designation Letter
  • Termination Letter
  • Workflow History
  • COR Documents

The image provides a preview of the Contract Discrepancy Report Overview.

Smart Form Selection

To create, edit or view Smart forms, the user will navigate to the COR Documents section. The user will click on Add Smart Forms and select the appropriate Smart form.

The image provides a preview of the Contract Discrepancy Report Overview.

Contract Discrepancy Report Smart Form

The required fields are: Month, Year, Date Issued, Discrepancies or problems noted, Are Delay/Discrepancies note above caused by the contractor, The contractor’s response as to cause, corrective actions and actions to prevent recurrence, Government evaluation, and Reason for selection.

The image provides a preview of the Contract Discrepancy Report Overview.