Joint Appointment Module (JAM) - Web Based Training

Role Registration

CORT Roles will register against SPM – Surveillance and Performance Monitoring Module.

SPM, JAM, and CCM will be displayed as one of the applications each role will have access to.

The Manager role will permit registration against a Location Code or a Group.

In order to register the Manager role by group, select ‘Group’ for Location Code Type and then Group Lookup.

If user is a COR, the ‘COR Nomination’ menu option is displayed.

If user is a CO, the ‘COR Appointment as CO’ menu option is displayed.

If user is a CS, the ‘COR Appointment as CS’ menu option is displayed.

The user can select one of the menu options to begin the nomination / appointment workflow process.

The COR will have two options:

  • Create COR Nomination using EDA
  • Create COR Nomination using Pre Award Number

COR Nomination – Create from EDA

  1. Enter an Issuing Office DoDAAC and Contract Number (optional) then select Next to search EDA.

    Note: Partial Contract Number is permitted.

  2. Select a Contract Number from the table and then click Next.
  3. Select ‘Next’ to create nomination. The COR nomination will be auto populated with contract information.
  4. The COR completes the Contracting Information. The COR must select a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist.
  5. The Contractor Information is displayed and cannot be edited.
  6. The COR can add one or more Contract Place of Performance entries.
  7. COR selects ‘Add QASP’.
  8. The ‘QASP – Add’ panel will be displayed. COR fills out required fields and selects ‘Add’ to apply changes.
  9. The ‘Add QASP Waiver (Smart Form)’ button will only be displayed if there are no QASPs and if the user’s role allows for it. Multiple QASPs will be permitted.
  10. COR selects ‘Add QASP Waiver (Smart Form)’.
  11. The ‘Add QASP Waiver’ panel will be displayed. COR fills out required fields and selects ‘Add’ to save smart form.
  12. The COR can review COR Information.
  13. Changes can be made to this section while the nomination is in Draft status via the ‘COR Information’ menu option.
  14. The COR can review Supervisor Information.
  15. Supervisor Information is pulled from the COR’s PIEE profile.
  16. The COR clicks the ‘Certify All’ button to concur with the COR Certifications. Comments are optional.
  17. The COR can click the ‘Submit’ button to submit nomination. A tokenized email will be sent to the supervisor(s). Nomination Status will be set to ‘Pending Supervisor Review’.
  18. The COR’s Supervisor will receive a tokenized email to review and certify the nomination.
Role PDF
Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Nomination Reference guide for creating a COR nomination in JAM.

Canceling a COR Nomination/Appointment Information

Contracting Officer Representative, COR’s Supervisor, Contracting Officer, and Contract Specialist that are on the nomination/appointment may cancel non active nominations/appointments.

Administrator (Department) may cancel nomination/appointments under their span of control.

Administrator (DPC) may cancel any nomination/appointments.

A COR, CS, or CO may initiate the cancellation of a nomination/appointment in any status prior to being in an active status.

Administrator (Department) and Administrator (DPC) may initiate the cancellation of a nomination/appointment under their span of control that are NOT in the Active, Closed, Terminated, or Cancelled status.

Canceling a COR Nomination/Appointment Process

Step 1a. Log into PIEE as one of the SPM roles that may act on the COR nomination/appointment.

Roles that may act:

  • COR
  • CO
  • CS
  • Administrator (Department)
  • Administrator (DPC)

Step 1b. The COR’s Supervisor will receive a tokenized email to access the application. Open the email and click the link provided. On the new page the nomination/appointment may be cancelled here.

Step 2. Access the JAM application.

Step 3. Search for the COR appointment that is being canceled. Options for searching for appointments include the dropdown Search Appointments > Search as “role” or the dropdown My Appointments which include options such as Search for COR appointments where my action is required as the “role.”

Statuses that are applicable:

  • Draft
  • Pending COR Review
  • Pending Supervisor Review
  • Pending PCO Review
  • Rejected By Supervisor
  • Rejected By PCO
  • Inactive COR
  • Pending COR Signature
  • Pending Supervisor Signature
  • Pending PCO Signature
  • Rejected By COR
  • Pending Signatory Review
  • Pending Signatory Signature
  • Rejected By Signatory

Step 4. On the Search results screen click the Contract Number for the appointment that is to be cancelled.

Step 5. On the COR Appointment screen click the Cancel button at the bottom. Click the Yes button on the confirmation popup.

Step 6. A success message will be displayed at the top of the screen indicating the appointment has been cancelled and emails will be sent out, and the appointment is moved to the Cancelled status. The appointment will be available for recall for 5 days before being removed from the system.

Recalling a COR Nomination/Appointment Information

Contracting Officer Representative, Contracting Officer, and Contract Specialist may recall the nomination/appointments, supervisors cannot recall nominations/appointments.

Once recalled within 5 days, it will return to the previous status.

As an example, if the CO recalls, and it was Pending COR Review, it will return to Pending COR Review.

If the nomination/appointment is canceled for more than 5 days, it is removed from the system and a new nomination/appointment.

Recalling a canceled COR Nomination/Appointment Process

Step 1. Log into PIEE as an applicable SPM role.

  • COR
  • CS
  • CO
  • Administrator (Department)
  • Administrator (DPC)

Step 2. Access the JAM application.

Step 3. Search for a cancelled COR nomination/appointment. Options for searching for appointments include the dropdown Search Appointments > Search as “role” or the dropdown My Appointments which include options such as Search for COR appointments where I am the COR.

NOTE: Only nominations/appointments in the status Cancelled may be recalled. Recalls must be completed within 5 days of the nomination/ appointment being cancelled or they will be removed from the system and a new nomination/appointment will need to be initiated.

Step 4. On the Search results screen click the Contract Number for the appointment that has been cancelled and is being recalled for resubmission.

Step 5. On the COR Appointment screen click the Recall button at the bottom. Click the Yes button on the confirmation popup.

Step 6. A success message will be displayed at the top of the screen and emails are sent to the users needing to act. The appointment is moved to the previous status before being cancelled e.g., if the CO recalls, and it was Pending COR Review, it will return to Pending COR Review status.

COR Nomination Automated Removal Process Timeframes

JAM will remove COR nominations in the following statuses if they haven't been acted upon by the listed time frames.

  1. COR nominations in JAM that are in a "Rejected" status will be systemically removed from JAM after 6 months of no action
  2. COR nominations in JAM that are in a "Draft" status will be systemically removed from JAM after 6 months of no action
  3. COR nominations in JAM that are in a "Pending" status will be systemically removed from JAM after 12 months of no action

Other Features

The COR Nomination / Appointment will consist of ten sections:

  • Contract Information
  • Contractor Information
  • Contract Place of Performance
  • Quality Assurance Plan / Waiver
  • COR Information
  • COR Certification
  • Supervisor Certification
  • CO/CS Certification
  • Delegation Letter
  • Workflow History

CO/CS Adds information to “CO Retained List”

As the CO/CS to add to the Retained by CO list, first access JAM and click COR Appointment as CO from the Create Appointment dropdown.

Next click the Contract Surveillance – Retained by CO option.

Select an Issuing Office DoDAAC from the dropdown, this is a mandatory field. The Contract Number field is an option field. Then click the Search button.

Contracts can be selected from the returned list. These contracts will be retained by the CO.

To search for a Contract on the Retained by CO list click Retained by Contracting Officer option from the Contract Surveillance dropdown in JAM.

Search Criteria:

  • Issuing Office DoDAAC
  • Contract Number
  • Delivery / Task Order Number

CO/CS will search / select contracting and contractor information from a data source. Appointment is auto populated with selected contracting and contractor information.

CO/CS indicates contract surveillance will be retained by the CO.

CO/CS submits appointment. Contract information is placed in the “CO Retained List”

Note: If the COR or CO/CS initiate a nomination or appointment with a contract number and delivery order that exists in the CO Retained List the contract number and delivery order will be removed from the CO Retained List when the nomination or appointment status is set to Active.

CO/CS Adds information to “No COR Required List”

As the CO/CS to add to the No COR Required list, first access JAM and click COR Appointment as CO from the Create Appointment dropdown.

Next click the Contract Surveillance – No COR Required option.

Select an Issuing Office DoDAAC from the dropdown, this is a mandatory field. The Contract Number field is an option field. Then click the Search button.

Contracts can be selected from the returned list. These contracts will be retained by the CO.

To search for a Contract on the No COR Required list click No COR Required option from the Contract Surveillance dropdown in JAM.

Search Criteria:

  • Issuing Office DoDAAC
  • Contract Number
  • Delivery / Task Order Number

CO/CS will search / select contracting and contractor information from a data source. Appointment is auto populated with selected contracting and contractor information.

CO/CS indicates COR is not required for contract surveillance.

CO/CS submits appointment. Contract information is placed in the “No COR Required List”

Note: If the COR or CO/CS initiate a nomination or appointment with a contract number and delivery order that exists in the No COR Required List the contract number and delivery order will be removed from the No COR Required List when the nomination or appointment status is set to Active.

COR Nomination and Appointment Query

The user will be able to search for any Nomination and Appointment, based on user, role, and access/hierarchy level.

Search Appointments:

  • Search as Contracting Officer Representative
  • Search as Contracting Officer
  • Search as Contract Specialist
  • Search as QA POC
  • Search as ACO
  • Search as Manager

The user will be able to query based on:

  • Contract Number
  • Delivery/Task Order Number
  • PR number
  • COR Type
  • COR Last Name
  • Contracting Officer Last Name
  • Contract Specialist Last Name
  • Issuing Office DoDAAC

The results are restricted by:

  • role
  • agency
  • DoDAAC

Search results will include the:

  • COR Name
  • COR Type
  • Nomination / Appointment Status
  • PR Number
  • Contract Number
  • Delivery / Task Order Number
  • CO
  • CS
  • Issuing Office DoDAAC

The user will be able to access the details of the records returned. The actions permitted by the user will be based on their role.

Termination of Contracting Officer's Representative

COR/CO/CS users can terminate a nomination for a contract/order, after the process is successful an email is sent to the COR stating:

"your designation as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) for the administration of the contract/order listed below is hereby terminated."

1. To begin the Termination process access JAM and go to "My Appointments" and click "Search for COR appointments that I can terminate".

Links for 'Search for COR appointments that I can terminate' found on JAM menu 'My Appointments'.'

2. A Search Results page will be displayed. On this page click the contract number to review the appointment.

Search Results page with all available active appointments.

3. The appointment page is displayed and a "Request Termination" button will be available at the bottom of the page.

Request Termination button on the bottom of the appointment page.

Role File Name PDF Note
COR / CO / CS Termination of Contracting Officer's Representative This is an overview of the Termination of Contracting Officer's Representative workflow document. This is an overview of the Termination of Contracting Officer's Representative workflow document.
COR COR Initiating Appointment Termination This is an overview of the Contracting Officer's Representative Initiating Appointment Termination guide document.

This is an overview of the Contracting Officer's Representative Initiating Appointment Termination.

Appointment status will be updated to Terminated COR once the Contracting Officer selects Approve Termination.

Audit Trail will capture the COR name and date of termination in workflow history.

Once COR requests termination of the appointment info messages will display

Info : Appointment Terminated by Contracting Officer

CO / CS CO / CS Initiating Appointment Termination This is an overview of the Contracting Officer or Contracting Specialist Initiating Appointment Termination guide document.

This is an overview of the Contracting Officer's Representative Initiating Appointment Termination.

Appointment status will be updated to Terminated COR once the Contracting Officer selects Approve Termination.

Audit Trail will capture the CO name and date of termination in workflow history

Once CO terminates the appointment info messages will display

Info : Appointment Terminated by Contracting Officer

CO / CS /Department Admin / DPC Admin How to Delete a Termination Letter Click this link to go to the training for how to Delete a Termination Letter in SPM (PDF). This is an overview of how to delete a Termination Letter in JAM.

JAM-SPM Email Notifications:

Email Subject Email Recipient(s) Email Initiator(s) Module Email Trigger
JAM COR Appointment Termination Due to DEERS Separation of Service Notification for [Name]

COR Supervisor

Alternate COR Supervisor

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when a JAM COR Appointment is terminated due to a notification from DEERS that resulted in the cancellation of the appointee's PIEE user account.
JAM [Desc/Code] - OVERDUE Delegating/Appointing Signatory Approval Required for [JAM Apptmt] - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED Delegating/Appointing Signatory System JAM Email is triggered when a JAM appointment requires Delegating/Appointing Signatory approval that is now overdue.
Contract Information Updated in Surveillance Performance Monitoring module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when the Contract Information on a Contract is updated
COR Appointment 'COR Termination Rejected' in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when a COR's request to terminate their COR Appointment on a contract is rejected
ACTION REQUIRED COR Appointment Termination Acknowledgement in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when a CO requests the termination of the COR on a Contract.
COR Nomination 'Pending PCO Termination Approval' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the COR terminates the COR Nomination on a contract and the action requires CO/CS review, approval, and the addition of a Termination Letter
COR Appointment 'Pending PCO Termination Approval' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the COR terminates the COR Nomination on a Contract and the action requires CO/CS review, approval, and the addition of a Termination Letter
COR Appointment 'Pending Signatory Review' in Joint Appointment Module Additional Signatory System JAM Email is triggered when a COR is appointment as a COR on a contract by a CO/CS. This action requires the Additional Signatory to provide approval of this appointment to the Head of Contracting Agency
COR Appointment 'Pending Signatory Signature' in Joint Appointment Module Additional Signatory System JAM Email is triggered when the COR is pending the Additional Signatory's signature to approve the COR nomination on a Contract
COR Appointment/Nomination has been Rejected by Supervisor in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Contracting Officer Representative

System JAM Email is triggered when the COR Supervisor rejects the Appointment/Nomination
COR Appointment/Nomination has been Rejected by Signatory in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when the Additional Signatory rejects the COR's nomination/appointment on a contract
COR Appointment Termination Supervisor System JAM Email is triggered when the COR's COR appointment on a contract is terminated
COR Appointment is Active in the Joint Appointment Module Alternate Supervisor System JAM Email is triggered when the COR is approved as a COR by a CO for a contract.
QA Surveillance Plan was added to your COR Appointment for [Contract Number]/[Delivery Order Number]

Contracting Officer Representative

Administrating Contract Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

CC User Email

System JAM Email is triggered when a user adds a QA Surveillance Plan to a COR Appointment.
QA Surveillance Plan was updated on your COR Appointment for [Contract Number]/[Delivery Order Number]

Contracting Officer Representative

Administrating Contract Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

CC User Email

System JAM Email is triggered when a user updates a QA Surveillance Plan on a COR appointment
QA Surveillance Plan was deleted from your COR Appointment for [Contract Number]/[Delivery Order Number]

Contracting Officer Representative

Administrating Contract Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

CC User Email

System JAM Email is triggered when a user deletes a QA Surveillance Plan from the COR Appointment
QA Surveillance Plan Waiver was added to your COR Appointment for [Contract Number]/[Delivery Order Number]

Contracting Officer Representative

Administrating Contract Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

CC User Email

System JAM Email is triggered when a user adds a QA Surveillance Plan Waiver to a COR Appointment
QA Surveillance Plan Waiver was updated on your COR Appointment for [Contract Number]/[Delivery Order Number]

Contracting Officer Representative

Administrating Contract Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

CC User Email

System JAM Email is triggered when a user updates a QA Surveillance Plan Waiver on a COR appointment
QA Surveillance Plan Waiver was deleted from your COR Appointment for [Contract Number]/[Delivery Order Number]

Contracting Officer Representative

Administrating Contract Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

CC User Email

System JAM Email is triggered when a user deletes a QA Surveillance Plan Waiver on a COR Appointment
ERROR - SPM [Process] Contract Specialist System SPM Email is triggered when an SPM process was abnormally terminated
ACTION REQUIRED COR Status Report is Due for Contract Number [Contract NO]; Task Order Number [Delivery Order] Contracting Officer Representative System SPM Email is triggered when a COR has a Status Report due for a Contract at the end of the current month
The Annual COR File Inspection Checklist SMART Form has been Submitted by Contracting Officer in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist


System SPM Email is triggered when the CO submits a Surveillance Checklist on a contract delivery order
[Doc Desc] has been [Submitted/Resubmitted] by [role desc] in surveilance and Performance Monitoring module Supervisor System SPM Email is triggered when a user submits or resubmits a document on a contract delivery order that requires review and approval
[Doc desc] has been Reviewed by [Role desc] in Surveillance and Performance Monitoring module Contract Specialist System SPM Email is triggered when a user reviews a document on a contract
[Doc desc] has been Approved by [Role desc] in Surveillance and Performance Monitoring module Contracting Officer Representative System SPM Email is triggered when a user approves a document on a Contract Delivery Order
[Doc desc] has been Rejected by [Role desc] in Surveillance and Performance Monitoring module Contract Specialist System SPM Email is triggered when a document is rejected on a Contract Delivery Order
COR Status Report has been Submitted in module

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a COR Status Report on a Contract Delivery Order
Trip Report has been Submitted in module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when the COR submits a Trip Report on a Contract Delivery Order that requires approval
Correspondence Report has been Submitted by in module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Correspondence Report on a Contract Delivery Order
Contract Discrepancy Report has been Submitted by in module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Contract Discrepency Report on a Contract Delivery Order that requires review
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Surveillance Checklist on a Contract Delivery Order
Surveillance Schedule has been Submitted in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Surveillance Schedule on a Contract Delivery Order
Universal Examination Record has been Submitted by in module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Quality Assuance Point of Contact

Administative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Universal Examination Record on a Contract Delivery Order that requires review
Universal Examination Record has been Submitted by in module

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Universal Examination Record on a Contract Delivery Order
Annual COR File Inspection Checklist has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contact in module

Contracting Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when an Annual COR File Inspection Checklist is submitted on a Contract Delivery Order
Trip Report has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contact in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a Trip Report is submitted by a QAPOC on a Contract Delivery Order and requires COR approval
Contract Discrepancy Report has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contact in module

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a QAPOC submits a Contract Discrepancy Report on a Contract Delivery Order that requires review
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contract in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a QAPOC submits a Surveillance Checklist on a contract delivery order
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contact in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a QAPOC submits a Surveillance Checklist on a contract delivery order that needs review
Universal Examination Record has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contact in module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a QAPOC submits a Universal Examination Record on a contract delivery order that requires review
Universal Examination Record has been Submitted by Quality Assurance Point of Contact in module

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a QAPOC submits a Universal Examination Record on a contract delivery order.
Annual COR File Inspection Checklist has been Submitted by Administrating Contracting Officer in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when an Administrative Contracting Officer submits an Annual COR File Inspection Checklist on a contract delivery order
Trip Report has been Submitted by Administrating Contracting Officer in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

System SPM Email is triggered by an Administrative Contracting Officer submitting a Trip Report on a Contract Delivery Order that requires COR approval
Contract Discrepancy Report has been Submitted by Administrating Contracting Officer in module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when an Administrative Contracting Officer Submits a Contract Discrepancy Report on a contract delivery order that requires review
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted by Administrating Contracting Officer in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when an Administrative Contracting Officer submits a Surveillance Checklist on a contract delivery order
Surveillance Schedule has been Submitted by Administrating Contracting Officer in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when an Administrative Contracting Officer submits a Surveillance Schedule on a contract delivery order
Annual COR File Inspection Checklist has been Submitted by Manager in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

System SPM Email is triggered when a Manager submits an Annual COR File Inspection Checklist on a contract delivery order
Trip Report has been Submitted by Manager in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a Manager submits a Trip Report on a contract delivery order that requires COR approval
COR Appointment/Nomination has been Rejected by COR in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the COR rejects the Appointment/Nomination AFTER the CO adds the designation letter
JAM Training Reminder

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the user's training is set to expire soon
Addendum added to COR Appointment in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer System JAM Email is triggered when the Contracting Officer has added an Addendum to the COR Appointment on a Contract.
ACTION REQUIRED: Addendum to COR Designation Letter has been added to COR Appointment Contracting Officer System JAM Email is triggered when an Addendum is being created or updated by the Contract Specialist and needs CO review and signature.
COR Appointment has been Rejected by PCO in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System JAM Email is triggered when CO initiates an appointment/nomination and the CO rejects the Appointment after the COR Supervisor has approved the Nomination/Appointment
Overdue JAM Warrant Status Update Request for [First Name] [Last Name] Warrant Approver System JAM Email is triggered when the JAM Warrant Status Update Request is overdue
[Subject] [DoDAAC] - Your Appointment has been systematically updated with the Procurement DoDAAC Appointment attendee System JAM This email is triggered when the Appointment Attendees appointment has been updated
JAM [Desc/Code] - OVERDUE Delegating/Appointing Signatory Approval Required for [JAM Apptmt] - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED Delegating/Appointing Signatory System JAM Email is triggered when a review/signature for an appointment in JAM is overdue
ERROR - SPM [Process] Contract Specialist System SPM
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted by Contracting Officer in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contracting Supervisor

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR has a Status Report due at the end of the month for its assigned Contract.
ACTION REQUIRED: Annual COR Surveillance File Review Reminder for [Contract Delivery Number]

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when the Annual COR File Checklist Smart Form is due for a specific contract
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Status Report has been Submitted by COR in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when the COR has submitted a new COR Status Report on a Contract that requires a review and approval/rejection
REMINDER: COR Training Waiver for contract [Contract Delivery Number] expires in 7 days Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when the training listed on the contract waiver is incomplete or about to expire.
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Nomination 'Pending PCO Approval' In Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer


System JAM Email is triggered when the CO has initiated the Nomination/Appointment and an overdue COR Nomination is pending review
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted by Contract Specialist in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contract Specialist

Contract Specialist SPM Email is triggered when a Contract Specialist has submitted a Surveillance Checklist on a contract
ACTION REQUIRED: Trip Report has been Submitted by Contracting Officer in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a Contracting Officer submits a Trip Report on a contract that needs review.
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Nomination 'Pending PCO Review' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the COR has initiated the Nomination/Appointment and it is pending PCO approval
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending COR Review' in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when the CO or CS initiates the COR Nomination/Appointment
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending Supervisor Review' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative


System JAM Email is triggered when a COR or DPC admin approves a COR Nomination
COR Appointment/Nomination Cancelled in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist


System JAM Email is triggered when the COR receives the Nomination or Appointment and cancels it
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment Termination Acknowledgement in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System JAM Email is triggered when a CO terminates a COR's Appointment on a contract and the COR's signature of the Termination Letter is overdue
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Nomination 'Pending PCO Review' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the COR initiates a COR Nomination on a contract that requires CO action that is now overdue
JAM POPM End Date Expiring and Contract [Contract Delivery Number] will go Inactive

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the POPM date on an appointment expires and the status of the appointment is set to inactive
ACTION REQUIRED: Contract Discrepancy Report has been Submitted by COR in SPM module

Administrative Contracting Officer

Contracting Officer Representative

System SPM Email is triggered when the COR submits a Contract Discrepency Report on a contract that needs review
Annual COR File Inspection Checklist has been Submitted by Contract Specialist in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Administrative Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when the CS submits an Annual COR File Inspection Checklist on a contract delivery order.
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment Termination Acknowledgement in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System JAM Email is triggered when a CO terminates a COR's Appointment on a contract and the COR's signature of the Termination Letter is overdue
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending Additional Signature' in Joint Appointment Module

Additional Signatory

Contracting Officer Representative

System JAM Email is triggered when a Contracting Officer designates an Additional Signatory for a COR's appointment on a Contract and the Additional Signatory's approval of the appointment is overdue
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment initiated by CO/CS 'Pending Supervisor Review' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist


System JAM Email is triggered when a COR Appointment for a Contract needs Supervisor approval before being finalized and the approval is overdue
REMINDER: Annual COR OGE Form 450

Contracting Officer Representative

COR Supervisor

System JAM Email is triggered when the annual OGE Form 450 is due
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending Supervisor Signature' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative


System JAM Email is triggered a Supervisor approval and signature is required on a COR's appointment on a contract
ACTION REQUIRED: COR initiated COR Appointment 'Pending Supervisor Review' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative


System JAM Email is triggered when a COR self-nominates as a COR on a contract and the action needs Supervisor approvad
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Nomination is 'Pending COR Signature'

Contracting Officer Representative


System JAM Email is triggered when a COR's appointment on a contract requires COR and Supervisor approval that is now overdue.
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending PCO Approval' In Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer


System JAM Email is triggered when the COR initiates a COR Nomination on a contract that requires PCO approval
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending Supervisor Signature' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer


System JAM Email is triggered when the COR's appointment on a contract requires a Supervisor approval that is now overdue
ACTION REQUIRED: Trip Report has been Submitted by COR in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when the COR submits a Trip Report on a Contract that requires CO review and approval
ACTION REQUIRED: Trip Report has been Submitted by Contracting Specialist in SPM module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when the Contracting Specialist submits a Trip Report on a Contract that requires COR review and approval
Overdue - ACTION REQUIRED: COR Appointment 'Pending Supervisor Review' in Joint Appointment Module

Contracting Officer Representative


System JAM Email is triggered when a COR self-nominates as a COR on a contract/pre-award and the action requires Supervisor approval that is now overdue
ACTION REQUIRED: COR Nomination is 'Pending COR Signature'

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the CO/CS completes the COR appointment on a contract and the appointment now needs COR approval
ACTION REQUIRED: POPM Change Addendum to COR Designation Letter has been added to COR Appointment

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System JAM Email is triggered when the POPM date on a contract is changed and an Addedum to the COR Designation Letter has been added to a COR Appointment and the CO/CS must sign the Addendum
REMINDER: COR Training Due to Expire Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when the COR Training for a user is set to expire in 10 days
Contract Information Updated in Surveillance Performance Monitoring module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when the Contract Information on a contract is updated
COR Appointment 'Pending COR Termination Approval' in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer Representative System JAM Email is triggered when a CO/CS terminates a COR Appointment on a contract and the COR must review, sign, and approve the Termination letter.
COR Appointment 'Pending Supervisor Termination Approval' in Joint Appointment Module Supervisor System JAM Email is triggered when a COR requests termination as the COR on a contract. The action requires Supervisor approval.
COR Appointment/Nomination 'Pending PCO Signature' in Joint Appointment Module Contracting Officer System JAM Email is triggered when the CS on a contract submits the COR's appointment and includes a Designation Letter that requires CO signature
COR Appointment Termination Supervisor System JAM
The Annual COR File Inspection Checklist has been Submitted by Contracting Officer in Surveillance and Performance Monitoring module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist


System SPM Email is triggered when a Contracting Officer submits an Annual COR File Inspection Checklist Checklist on a Contract
Surveillance Schedule has been Submitted by Contracting Officer in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when the CO submits a Surveillance Schedule on a contract delivery order
Trip Report has been Submitted by Contract Specialist in module

Administrative Contracting Officer

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer Representative

System SPM Email is triggered when the CS submits a Trip Report on a Contract and it requires COR approval
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted by Contract Specialist in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a CS submits a Surveillance Checklist on a contract delivery order
Surveillance Schedule has been Submitted by Contract Specialist in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a CS submits a Surveillance Schedule on a contract delivery order
Surveillance Checklist has been Submitted in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Surveillance Checklist on a Contract Delivery Order
Surveillance Schedule has been Submitted in module

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR submits a Surveillance Schedule on a Contract Delivery Order
OVERDUE - Action Required: Appointment 'Pending Signatory Signature' in Joint Appointment Module

Additional Signatory



System JAM Email is triggered when a COR Appointment is pending a Additional Signatory or DPC Admin signature and they have not signed
Warrant Auto Termination Supervisor System JAM Email is triggered when the terminatio date on a warrant has expired and the warrant has been terminated
Annual COR File Inspection Checklist has been Submitted by Manager in Surveillance and Performance Monitoring module

Quality Assurance Point of Contact

Contracting Officer Representative

Contracting Officer

System SPM Email is triggered when a Manager submits an Annual COR File inspection Checklist on a Contract
COR Status Report has been Resubmitted by Contracting Officer Representative in Surveillance and Performance Monitoring Module

Contracting Officer

Contract Specialist

System SPM Email is triggered when a COR has resubmitted a COR Status Report on a Contract Delivery Order

Email Notification Information

The system will provide a new reminder email to indicate a user’s action is required for an appointment/nomination pending task that they have not completed. The timeframe will be a system parameter initially set to 7 days.

This will include the tasks:

  • Pending Supervisor Review
  • Pending PCO Review
  • Rejected by PCO
  • Rejected by Supervisor
  • Pending COR Signature
  • Pending Supervisor Signature

The system will provide an email notification to the Contractor identified on a COR Termination, Designation, or Addendum to a Designation Letter so that the Contractor may access the letter via a tokenized link.

The system will provide a new reminder email to CORs that have not completed their required training by the specified number of days. The number of days will be specified by four system parameters.

If COR Type A is selected: COR must complete all training within 21 days of COR designation, unless otherwise advised by contracting officer.

  • The reminder notification should be sent at 14 days letting them know that their COR appointment will terminate if training is not completed by day 21.
  • The system will automatically terminate the appointment if the training has not been marked as complete by day 22.

If Type B or C is selected: COR must complete all training requirements within 35 days of COR designation, unless otherwise advised by contracting officer. Failure to complete may result in COR termination.

  • The reminder notification should be sent at 28 days letting them know that their COR appointment will terminate if training is not completed by day 35.

The system will automatically terminate the appointment if the training has not been marked as complete by day 36.

Resend Email Notifications:

COR Resending:

A "Send Email Reminder" button will be available for the COR when nomination is created by the COR and status is Pending Supervisor Review, Pending Supervisor Signature, Pending PCO Review, Pending PCO Signature, Pending Signatory Review, and Pending Signatory Signature.

CO/CS Resending:

A "Send Email Reminder" button will be available for the CO/CS when nomination is created by the CO/CS and status is Pending COR Review, Rejected by PCO, Pending Supervisor Review, and Pending Signatory Review.

1. To Resend an email notification access JAM and go to "My Appointments" and click "Search for COR appointments where I am the COR".

Links for 'Search for COR appointments where I am the COR' found on JAM menu 'My Appointments'.'

2. A Search Results page will be displayed. Locate the appointment that needs to resend an email notification for. Click the contract number to review the appointment.

Search Results page with all available active appointments.

3. The appointment page is displayed and a "Resend Email Reminder" button will be available at the bottom of the page.

Resend Email Reminder button on the bottom of the appointment page.

The system will provide an Editor to the DPC Admin user so that they view and edit email content that includes Email Notifications in JAM and SPM.

The DPC Admin User is defined as a department lead who performs role activation and deactivation, deployment, department oversight, management of JAM and SPM email notifications and troubleshooting on behalf of all department users.

DPC Admin users are the only users that can change or edit an email notification in JAM and SPM. The system will provide an Editor to the DPC Admin user so that they can view and edit email content that includes Email Notifications in JAM and SPM.

Features of the editor include:

  • Filtering
  • Display per page
  • Email number
  • Status
  • Subject
  • Recipients
  • Email Description/Instruction
  • Action

See the DPC Admin Editing Email Notifications in JAM/SPM guide for more details.

Reference Guide PDF Notes
DPC Admin Editing Email Notifications DPC Admin users are the only users that can change or edit an email notification in JAM/SPM. The DPC Admin user is a department lead who performs role activation and deactivation, deployment, department oversight, management of JAM/SPM email notifications and troubleshooting on behalf of all department users. (PDF) DPC Admin users are the only users that can change or edit an email notification in JAM/SPM. The DPC Admin user is a department lead who performs role activation and deactivation, deployment, department oversight, management of JAM/SPM email notifications and troubleshooting on behalf of all department users.

Important Note: There is a 10-minute wait period for the batch to process when editing, activating, or deactivating an email notification in JAM and in SPM.

Contracting Officer Representative Resending a Supervisor an Email

Role File Name PDF Note
SPM - Contracting Officer Representative (COR) COR Resending Supervisor Email This guide demonstrates how to resend a Supervisor reminder emails for a COR appointment in JAM as a SPM - COR This guide demonstrates how to resend a Supervisor reminder emails for a COR appointment in JAM as a SPM - COR.

Updating the Contracting Officer Representative's Information in SPM

Role File Name PDF Note
  • SPM - Administrator (DPC)
  • SPM - Administrator (Department)
  • SPM - Contracting Officer (CO)
  • SPM - Contract Specialist (CS)
Updating COR Information in SPM The guide provides instructions on how to update a COR's infomration in SPM. The user may update the CO, CS, Quality Assurance POC, and Administrative Contracting Officer. The guide provides instructions on how to update a COR's infomration in SPM. The user may update the CO, CS, Quality Assurance POC, and Administrative Contracting Officer.

Reassign the Pre-Award to Contract Number in JAM

Role File Name PDF Note
  • SPM - Contracting Officer (CO)
  • SPM - Contract Specialist (CS)
Reassign Pre-Award to Contract Number in JAM This guide provides training for the Contracting Officer (CO) or Contract Specialist (CS) performing the Reassign Pre-Award to a Contract Number Process. However, the CS cannot sign the Designation Letter. This guide provides training for the Contracting Officer (CO) or Contract Specialist (CS) performing the Reassign Pre-Award to a Contract Number Process. However, the CS cannot sign the Designation Letter.

Addendum Process for Contracting Officer's Representative

Role File Name PDF Note
DPC Admin DPC Admin Changing POPM Dates on COR Appointment This is an overview of the DPC Admin creating an addendum when there is a change to the POPM Dates. This is an overview of the DPC Admin creating an addendum when there is a change to the POPM Dates.
CO / CS CO/CS Adding Addendum to COR Designation Letter This is an overview of the CO/CS adding an Addendum to the COR Designation Letter.. This is an overview of the CO/CS adding an Addendum to the COR Designation Letter.