The Dashboard is the default landing page for DFE users. Users can access different documents available for reviewing, editing, or viewing. Each user role has tables to access DFE documents; details for each are below.
Open Entitlements and Certificates on the Dashboard by clicking the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink. The DFE documents display to the user.
Roles and their Dashboard Tables:
DFE - Vendor
Entitlements - Draft
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
Entitlements - Returned
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
Entitlements - Approved/Denied
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
- Status
DFE - Contracting Officer
Entitlements - Draft
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
Entitlements - Returned
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
Entitlements - Approved/Denied
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
- Status
Entitlements - Pending Approval
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
- Status
DFE - Standard User
Certificates - Pending Approval
- Certificate Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Entry Control Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Submit Date
DFE - Admin User
Entitlements - Pending Approval
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Submit Date
Certificates - Pending Approval
- Certificate Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Entry Control Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Submit Date
Certificates - Returned
- Certificate Number
- Entry Controlled Number
- Returned By
- Date Returned
- Remarks
DFE - View Only
Entitlements Updated in Last 30 Days
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
- Status
Certificates Updated in Last 30 Days
- Certificate Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Entry Control Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Last Action Date
- Status
DFE - Customs Broker
Customs Brokers only access DFE through tokenized emails and will not have a dashboard available.
Status List
Entitlement Status List
- Draft
- Pending Approval
- Rejected
- Completed
- Deleted
- Returned
Certificate Status List
- Draft
- Pending Approval
- Rejected
- Completed
- Deleted
- Returned
How to Search for Documents in DFE
Search Entitlements
All registered DFE users can use the document Search in the Duty Free Entry (DFE) application. DFE has an Entitlement Search and a Certificate Search.
DFE Entitlements Search Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select Search Entitlement under the DFE navigation section or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement and click the Entitlement Number hyperlink to open the document.
Search Criteria
Use the Entitlement Request Search page to find Entitlements in DFE.
Search Criteria:
- Contract Number (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Delivery Order Number (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Contractor CAGE
- Entitlement Number (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Contractor Name (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Date Submit From (with parameters Greater than or equal to / Greater than / Equal to / Less than or equal to / Less than / Is Null / Not Null)
- Date Submit To (with parameters Less than or equal to / Less than / Equal to)
- Status
- Date Completed From (with parameters Greater than or equal to / Greater than / Equal to / Less than or equal to / Less than / Is Null / Not Null)
- Date Completed To (with parameters Less than or equal to / Less than / Equal to)
- Requested Response Date From (with parameters Greater than or equal to / Greater than / Equal to / Less than or equal to / Less than / Is Null / Not Null)
- Requested Response Date To (with parameters Less than or equal to / Less than / Equal to)
(Status Dropdown)
- Draft
- Pending Approval
- Rejected
- Completed
- Deleted
- Returned
NOTE: At least one search criterion is required to perform a search.
After entering the search criteria, click the Search button. The search results display on the same page.
Search Results
Search Results display below the Search Criteria and allow new searches without leaving the page. Locate the document and click the Entitlement Number hyperlink to open the Entitlement.
DFE Entitlement Search Results Columns:
- Entitlement Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Submit Date
- Requested Response Date
- Completion Date
- Status
- Action By
Search Certificates
All registered DFE users can use the document Search in the Duty Free Entry (DFE) application. DFE has an Entitlement Search and a Certificate Search.
DFE Certificates Search Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select Search Certificate under the DFE navigation section or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Certificate and click the Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document.
Search Criteria
Use the Certificate Search page to find Certificates in DFE.
Search Criteria:
- Contract Number (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Delivery Order Number (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Contractor CAGE
- Certificate Number (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Entry Control Number
- Status
- Contractor Name (with parameters Starts With / Equal to / Is Null / Not Null)
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Date Submit From (with parameters Greater than or equal to / Greater than / Equal to / Less than or equal to / Less than / Is Null / Not Null)
- Date Submit To (with parameters Less than or equal to / Less than / Equal to)
- Date Completed From (with parameters Greater than or equal to / Greater than / Equal to / Less than or equal to / Less than / Is Null / Not Null)
- Date Completed To (with parameters Less than or equal to / Less than / Equal to)
- Requested Response Date From (with parameters Greater than or equal to / Greater than / Equal to / Less than or equal to / Less than / Is Null / Not Null)
- Requested Response Date To (with parameters Less than or equal to / Less than / Equal to)
(Status Dropdown)
- Draft
- Pending Approval
- Rejected
- Completed
- Deleted
- Returned
NOTE: At least one search criterion is required to perform a search.
After entering the search criteria, click the Search button. The search results display on the same page.
Search Results
Search Results display below the Search Criteria and allow new searches without leaving the page. Locate the document and click the Certificate Number hyperlink to open the Certificate.
DFE Certificate Search Results Columns:
- Certificate Number
- Contract Number
- Delivery Order Number
- Entry Control Number
- Contractor CAGE
- Contractor Name
- Contracting Officer DoDAAC
- Submit Date
- Requested Response Date
- Completion Date
- Status
- Action By
Download Search Results
DFE has a Download Search Results feature available to all DFE users that exports the current Search Results, including all columns and rows returned as part of the table, to an Excel file for offline reference.
DFE Download Search Results Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the ‘DFE’ icon.
- Select a respective document Search/Create option under the DFE navigation section.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate; refer to the Search training for more information.
- Review the Search Results to ensure it is the correct results.
- Click the Download button.
- An excel file will begin downloading; for example, file name "searchresults_1661276565764.xlsx".
NOTE: At least one search criterion is required to perform a search.
After entering the search criteria, click the Search button. The search results display on the same page.
How to Save Entitlements and Certificates
DFE users can Save their work on documents during document creation or in the "Returned" status. When a user is reviewing/editing a DFE document and wants to continue their work later, they can save the current progress. Saving adds an entry to the History tab of the Entitlement or Certificate.
DFE Save Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select a Search/Create option under the DFE navigation section or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate and click the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document; refer to the Search training for more information.
- Review the DFE document information to ensure it is the correct document.
- Click the Save button.
- A Success message displays; during creation, the Entitlement/Certificate Number will generate and display at the top of the document.
- Use the Entitlement/Certificate Number to locate the document via the respective DFE Search or Dashboard.
NOTE: For more information on the DFE Document Search, refer to the DFE Search for Documents Training.
History tab information Separated by Role and time of action:
Role |
Action Taken |
Action Date |
Status |
First Name |
Last Name |
Title |
Commercial Telephone |
Email |
DNS Telephone |
Comments |
Delete DFE Documents
DFE has a Delete Document feature to purge documents in the "Draft" status; all DFE users that are able to create documents in the Draft status may use this feature. The Delete Document feature removes the document from the system and will not be visible in searches.
DFE Delete Document Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select the appropriate Search under the DFE navigation section; include search criterion "Status: Draft"; or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate and click the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document; refer to the Search training for more information.
- Review the DFE document information to ensure it is the correct document.
- Click the Delete Draft button.
- Click the Yes button on the Entitlement Deletion Confirmation box with the question "Are you sure that you want to delete this draft?".
- A success screen displays the message "The document was deleted successfully"; document information: Entitlement/Certificate Number, Document Type, Status, Action Taken, Action Date, and Action By.
- Click the Home button or use the DFE Navigation to return.
NOTE: At least one search criterion is required to perform a search.
Additional Information
Documents in the Return status may be Saved and then deleted; saving in the Return status changes to Draft. Refer to the Save Document training for more information.
Document Timers
Tokenized Emails - Customs Brokers receive reoccurring Tokenized emails every 3 days for 30 days and provide access to create Certificates for Approved Entitlements. Refer to Resend Broker Emails training for more information on restarting the timer.
Send Broker Emails
DFE allows users to Send Broker Emails to the brokers currently assigned the "Completed" Entitlement or Certificate. Use the button Send Email to notify the user that action is required.
Document and Status:
Roles with access to send Customs Brokers emails:
- DFE – Vendor
- DFE – Contracting Officer
- DFE – Admin User
- DFE – Admin User
- Standard User
NOTE: Tokenized emails reoccur every 3 days for 30 days; this process can be restarted for as long as needed by a user with access to the document.
Send Customs Broker Email Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select the appropriate Search under the DFE navigation section; include the search criterion "Status: Completed"; or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate and click the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document; refer to the Search for Documents training for more information.
- Review the DFE document information to ensure it is the correct document.
- Click the Send Email button.
- A Success message displays the message; "Broker Email Sent The email to the Customs Broker was sent."
NOTE: This will reset the timer and send emails to the user every 3 days for 30 days.
Resend Broker Emails
DFE allows users to Resend Broker Emails to the brokers currently assigned the "Completed" Entitlement or Certificate. Use the button Send Email to notify the user that action is required.
Document and Status:
Roles with access to send Customs Brokers emails:
- DFE – Vendor
- DFE – Contracting Officer
- DFE – Admin User
- DFE - Standard User
- DFE – Vendor
- DFE – Contracting Officer
- DFE – Admin User
- DFE - Standard User
Resend Customs Broker Email Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select the appropriate Search under the DFE navigation section; include the search criterion "Status: Completed"; or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate and click the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document; refer to the Search for Documents training for more information.
- Review the DFE document information to ensure it is the correct document.
- Locate the Custom Broker Information section
- Click the Resend Email to All button.
- A Success message displays the message; "Broker Email Sent The email to the Customs Broker was sent."
Sample Email for Entitlements
Subject line:
DFE Awaiting Certificate Creation – Immediate Attention Required
[Body of email will remain the same as the initial email.]
Foreign Supplier Name: [Name]
Subcontract: [Number]
Dear [Broker],
Entitlement [Entitlement Number] has been Approved.
Please click the below link to create and submit a Certificate.
Token provided in the email will expire 72 hours after being sent.
[Tokenized Link]
NOTE: This email service is outbound only. We are unable to receive and process replies to this mailbox.
Change Customs Brokers on DFE Documents
DFE allows users to change the Customs Brokers assigned on the Entitlement or Certificate. Customs Brokers may be added, removed, or updated. Use the button Send Email to notify the user that action is required.
Document and Status:
- Pending Approval
- Completed
- Returned
Roles with access to change Customs Brokers on created documents:
- DFE – Vendor
- DFE – Contracting Officer
- DFE – Admin User
- DFE – Standard User
- DFE – Admin User
NOTE: Tokenized emails reoccur every 3 days for 30 days; this process can be restarted for as long as needed by a user with access to the document.
Editing Customs Brokers Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Select the appropriate Search under the DFE navigation section or use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate and click the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document; refer to the Search for Documents training for more information.
- Review the DFE document information to ensure it is the correct document.
- Click the Edit Custom Broker List button to add/edit/remove Customs Brokers.
- Click the Add Customs Broker button, click the View(Edit) button, or click the Remove button under the action column.
- Click the Look-Up Customs Broker button to open U.S. Customs and Border Protection "Find a Broker" page to search for brokers by state/port; refer to Customs Broker Search training for more information.
- Adding or Editing Customs Brokers, enter the Customs Broker Name, Customs Broker House Number (Entitlements Only), and Customs Broker Email fields.
- Click the Save Changes to Customs Broker List button to finalize changes.
- Click the Send Email button.
- A Success message displays with the message: "Broker Email Sent The email to the Customs Broker was sent."
NOTE: The Send Email button will reset the 30-day timer for Customs Broker Tokenized email access and send emails to the user every 3 days for 30 days.
Customs Broker Search
DFE has external links to the Customs Broker Search on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website; all DFE users (excluding the DFE - View Only role) will see these links. The website is used to find the Broker information for the Entitlement or Certificate. The links include Look Up Customs Broker, Find a Broker, and Custom Broker Search.
Customs Broker Search Process
- Log in to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Application (https://piee.eb.mil/).
- Open the Duty Free Entry (DFE) by clicking the 'DFE' icon.
- Custom Broker Search displays in the navigation bar.
- Select the appropriate Search under the DFE navigation section; use the document tables on the Dashboard.
- Find the Entitlement or Certificate and click the Entitlement/Certificate Number hyperlink to open the document; refer to the Search training for more information.
- Review the DFE document information to ensure it is the correct document.
- Click the Look Up Customs Broker button on Entitlements on the Header tab; click the Find a Broker button on Certificates on the Shipment Information tab.
- A new browser page displays the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website.
- Return to the DFE tab to continue working on Entitlements and Certificates to enter the information.